Monday, February 9, 2009

Gratitude & The Promises

I am an incredibly blessed woman. I feel so fortunate to have all the people in my life I do. I have two wonderful grown children. I have a son-in-law that is more like a son and a soon to be daughter in law who is more like a daughter. I have three of the most wonderful grandchildren a woman could have. I have a brother who is my connection to my roots and my friend. I have a wonderful dear friend, you know who you are... and a network of friends who hold me together and guide me despite my craziness at times. I have a terrific job and a lovely little home. Lets not forget my mops, my little dogs Tigger & Pooh-bear....They make me laugh and cry, all in one day. Oh, lets not forget the green eyed screaming cat, Maxie who enjoys taunting me....I will miss him when he is gone....LOL

We have a choice in life. Most people choose to believe the glass is half full or half empty. Mine is neither. My glass is completely full. I would not trade all of the blessings in my life today for all the riches in the world.

I have always believed in the promises. As it goes, they happen quickly to some and slowly to others but if you believe and follow the steps..... they will happen......


Kathryn said...

Amen sister!! LOL. There are some people who go their whole lives not realizing that. In my opinion you can choose to be happy, or choose to be miserable, the circumstances don't matter. we all have blessings in our lives, it is up to us to see them for what they are. :-)

IrishPatty said...

I have been told you can still see the stars from the ghetto!!! It is a choice whether you look up or not....